Wednesday, February 16, 2011 -{'11:26 PM
Bruce Lee
He's the one that motivate me!!
I like his words
Clear you mind before you shapeless like water,
When you put water into the cup, it's become the cup,
When you put water into a bottle it become the bottle,
When you put water into the tea pot, it's turn into the tea pot,
Water will flow, Oil can Crash so be water my friends.
You're the one that bring chinese martial arts alive.
You had no fear in your opponent infront of you.
You are a dragon.
I m training to be like you now.
what i learn from you is,
everything i going to do i need to put in effort,
have a aim,
no fear of anything,
keep my brain working in anything,
i will be like you one day^^
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 -{'4:55 AM
今天的我已经改变了。可是对你的思念永远也改不了。有人问我情人节我会和谁一起庆祝,我没回答他们,因为我骗不了自己。这个情人节我会一直在你身边陪着你一起度过。我知道我这样做让别人决得我很笨,可是这是我应该做的事。你还记得吗? 以前但我不开心的时候你对我说了些设么吗?你在我耳边对我说了:别不开心了,其实这世界上有很多开心的事等着我们一起去做啊。可是现在活泼的你和充满笑容的你已经离我而去了令一个世界了。希望你不管在那里你都会想以前一样,开开心心地。JOEY